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Non-GMO Challenge: Mi Rancho’s Commitment To Educating Consumers

During Earth Month, Mi Rancho is taking the Non-GMO Challenge. We are pledging our commitment to educate our consumers on:


Facts about GMO, High Risk Crops, Products & Regulations

The Steps Mi Rancho is taking to expand our line of Verified Products

How we source Non-GMO Project Verified Corn from California to make our corn tortillas.

We take these commitments seriously and they are observed by Mi Rancho year-round, not just in the month of April. In our experience, we have found that education is key when discussing GMOs. Although we hear that term all the time, do we actually know what it means?

Technically speaking, a Genetically Modified Organism is a plant, animal, microorganism or other organism whose genetic makeup has been modified using recombinant DNA methods. Key crops are at a high risk of being GMO due to large-scale commercial production. These crops include alfalfa, canola, corn (except popcorn), cotton, soy, papaya, sugar beets, as well as zucchini and yellow squash. There are some additional crops that are closely monitored for other forms of genetic modification such as flax, rice, wheat, sugarcane, and potato.Grilled Chicken Tacos_Square

At Mi Rancho, we are known for making delicious corn and flour tortillas. As you may have guessed, we are dealing with such crops on a consistent basis. We follow the strict protocols set forth by the Non-GMO Standard for ingredient segregation, documentation tracking and testing. For example, Mi Rancho sources Non-GMO Verified whole kernel corn from California to make our corn tortillas. Every batch that we receive has been tested to affirm that there are no GMOs present. Those tests are required before we ever use these ingredients in production.

Many aspects are still unknown regarding the impact of GMOs, whether those be health, environmental or societal. At Mi Rancho, we believe that consumers should have access to Non-GMO choices so that they can clearly identify those products that meet the Non-GMO Standard. That is why we continue to work closely with the Non-GMO Project to add to our Verified Portfolio of products. “Look for the Butterfly”, happily featured on key products such as our Organic Corn Tortillas.

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